Plumfield Moms



Saturday Dec 16, 2023

"Jesus says of himself that he is gentle. Some translations use the word meek. We don’t have a good English word that expresses the meaning of the Greek word used here. We think of a gentle person as someone who is careful with babies and kittens. A meek person takes whatever other people dish out without retaliating. 
Throughout his ministry, Jesus had compassion on the poor and ignorant, the sick and broken who came to him in crowds so large and pressing he often couldn’t find time to eat. But we don’t dare fail to note that, while he demonstrated his love for them, he also made it plain that he didn’t come to bring peace but a sword. He said their choices were black or white, not gray. Whoever wasn’t with him was against him, and whoever tried to save his life would lose it."  

Saturday Dec 09, 2023

What terrifies you? Sickness, an empty bank account, darkness, loneliness, death? Admit it to yourself. Confess your fears to God. Trust him to hold you in the palm of his hand. “Say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust’” (Psalm 91:2).

Saturday Dec 02, 2023

It won’t work for me to say to myself that I’m not going to act like this anymore. I have to look my anger and frustration in the face and admit what causes them. I covet what I don’t have; perfection in this life, everything going smoothly all the time. My selfish, unrealistic expectations have to become something else. I believe they have to become gratitude and praise.

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

Do you have what you need to fend off an attack from the enemy? The Lord equips those who ask him.

Reflection: Listen to Obey

Saturday Nov 11, 2023

Saturday Nov 11, 2023

"It’s easy to get used to being busy and feeling rushed to get through prayer and devotion time. Perhaps you need a day to change your routine. Set aside your checklist, be quiet, and listen to what the Spirit has to say to you today. Ask God to show you where you need to hear his instructions more clearly. And then, listen."

Saturday Nov 04, 2023

We sheep won’t learn the Shepherd’s voice by having someone describe the sound to us. Perhaps our parents introduced us to the Shepherd. Perhaps it was a friend. Praise the Lord! But they still can’t explain to us the sound of his voice calling our names.

Reflection: The Choregos

Saturday Oct 28, 2023

Saturday Oct 28, 2023

The Choregos - The Supplier of all our needs. 
Peter speaks of the strength God supplies to enable each person to use his gifts (1 Pet. 4:11). In his second epistle, he says that an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be richly provided (2 Pet. 1:11).

Reflection: Good, Better, Best

Saturday Sep 30, 2023

Saturday Sep 30, 2023

Self-interest is restrained within due bounds when love supervenes; for then it rejects evil things altogether, prefers better things to those merely good, and cares for the good only on account of the better. ~St. Bernard of Clairvaux, On Loving God

Reflection: You Brought Us Out

Saturday Sep 16, 2023

Saturday Sep 16, 2023

"Learning to live by faith is a process, a lifelong education. Take time to reflect on the courses God has assigned you so far. Remember that he doesn’t mean for you to work through them alone. Ask him for help, and seek support from Christians who have already completed similar assignments."

Reflection: Be Amazed

Saturday Sep 09, 2023

Saturday Sep 09, 2023

"When was the last time you allowed yourself to be astonished to the limit by Jesus—by his teaching, by his works, by the wonders of your life? I use the word allow intentionally, because I think some of us are so jaded that we need to consciously loosen the tight hold we have on our sophistication and be amazed sometimes."

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